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Category : PAPER / PULP    Subcategory :  WOOD - FREE PAPER
Offer No. Picture Product Name Price (US$) Location Brief Description
12705 Handmade Paper- Silk Paper 19 cents - 55 cents per sheet as per request We supply textured paper which is made from the real silk fibers and processed to give it a texture
12695 Handmade Paper- Floral Paper 19 cents - 55 cents per sheet as per request We supply elegant floral paper made from the small petals of the rose, marigold petals etc.
12694 Handmade Paper- Batik Paper 19 cents - 55 cents per sheet as requested We supply unique variety of batik paper of different designs and colors.
12637 Handmade paper- Moonrock Paper 19 cents - 55 cents per sheet (USD) as per request We supply exclusive moonrock paper which is given a unique texture of the surface of moon.
10773 No Picture Unbleached Kraft paper subject to conditions Mumbai Its unbleached natural shade in plain and ribbed.
4773 No Picture Copier Paper 75 & 80 GSM 10.50 USD for Carton of 5 REAMS-75 GSM MUMBAI Wood Free Paper made from Sugar Cane Residue
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